Monday, January 30, 2006

Bitstream 3X - Midi Controller

Another day, another ableton live midi-controller!

This ones a bit more reasonable at €459.00 (£315) although it can be a bit tricky to get them in the UK. It looks well laid out, and the build quality looks impressive. The main part is an 8 channel mixer, with 4 banks of rotary controllers which more often than not will be used for EQs and panning. The x-fader looks a bit piddly but theres a couple of nice extras to make up for it. Namely a joystick which aims to manipulate values in roughly the same way as a chaos pad would. Its also got a fairly sizeable digital display (a feature which is often over looked), as well as programmable LFOS & arps.

35 knobs - 8 sliders - 16 buttons
Dual axis analog joystick
Infrared controller
Endless encoder
Footswitch input
7 curve models per control
(lin, inv lin, log, inv log, random, users 0 & 1)
Sync-24 output
Expansion port
Built-in programmable LFO
Built-in enhanced arpeggiator
Built-in 8 tracks motion sampler
USB compatible
Transport functions
Fully programmable
Large graphic display (with backlight)
Dedicated configuration software
100 snapshot scenes
21 fully programmable groups
Jump-less potentiometer mode
Built-in MIDI merger & filter
4U metalic enclosure
(optional rack ears)

read the full spec and order online at the waveidea site


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